3360 E. Livingston Ave.

Columbus, OH, 43227

(800) 461-9013

(614) 461-9000
English English Spanish Spanish


The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone. For some, time may be limited because of work or other reasons to meet with me. It is possible for me to completely resolve
some cases without an in-person meeting.

Attorney H. Lee Thompson

Injured and need help and legal representation. without a car or transportation, in a hospital or nursing home. Attorney H Lee Thompson has more than 35 years of experience, offering a free virtual consultation without having to meet in person.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone. For some, time may be limited because of work or other reasons to meet with me. It is possible for me to completely resolve some cases without an in-person meeting.

During the virtual consultation meeting, I will listen to understand what happened and to determine if there are records, statements, interviews to be obtained.

We can provide you the medical doctor referrals for injuries for your care and treatment with a letter of protection for payment of bills. We have access to forensic experts, nurse, and doctor review, life care planning. There is no obligation on your part.

If you have recently moved here but injured in another state and are unrepresented, we can help you in obtaining legal representation as Co-Counsel with our network of attorneys.

We are experienced and licensed in Federal District Court,  U.S. Supreme Court.

If you or a loved one wants us to help, we can send you the forms to sign electronically so we can get started; or,  if you prefer to sign paper copies, we can send someone to your location. ( residence, hospital, nursing home) Ohio has a 2-year statute of a limitation period for injury (with exceptions) 4-year statute of the limitation period for wrongful death. Other States in the U.S. vary.

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Virtual Consultation
